Copyright is the intellectual property right that protects your own original artistic or literary work, or that of your company, from being copied.
If you or your company have produced an original work on which you wish to capitalise, then copyright protection may well be able to prevent the theft of your efforts.
Copyright can cover a wide range of works, however work must be original for copyright to exist. Proven independent creation of an artistic or literary work escapes infringement, and deliberate copying must have taken place for there to be an infringement of your copyright.
Understanding your rights
Although copyright exists automatically and you do not need to register it, it is a vast and complex area of law.
Our intellectual property specialists can help you navigate the various aspects of the process that need outside assistance – such as the ownership and enforcement of copyright.
We have excellent existing relationships with experienced IP lawyers who can help you negotiate the various legal pathways involved.
What can be protected by Copyright?
Principal Categories:
- Literary or dramatic works
- Musical compositions
- Drawings, paintings (the output of artists)
- Photographs and films
- Performances
- Sound and video recordings
- Broadcast and cable programmes
- Typographical arrangements
- Computer programmes
- Databases (under so called “database right”)
Principal Types of Work:
- Tables or compilations
- Computer software
- Works of dance or mime
- Musical performances
- Graphical works
- Photographs
- Sculptures
- A work of architecture
- A work of ‘artistic craftsmanship’